We have reformatted this Weekly Harvest page. Below is a list of fresh from the farm, local items delivered in the Harvest Club. Items are listed as categories of product vs by bundle. Thanks! Happy cooking!
Love, Wen-Jay
1 cabbage 1 purple kale 1lb carrots 1lb red beets 1lb watermelon radishes Deep Roots Farm, NY Hawthorne Valley Farm, NY Sun Sprout Farm, NY
1 cabbage 1 purple kale 1lb carrots Deep Roots Farm, NY Hawthorne Valley Farm, NY Sun Sprout Farm, NY
3lb mix honey crisp apples and Arlet apples Samascott Orchards, NY
Are you a NY based cafe, bar, or neighborhood business? Become a Harvest Club pick up location and have community members come to your establishment each week to pick up their Local Roots harvest.